[DeTomaso] RIP Michael Shortt

laurieferrari at aol.com laurieferrari at aol.com
Sat Jun 8 14:46:13 EDT 2024

I went onto Facebook yesterday and was shocked to read that Michael had passed away in the morning. Many of us knew he was ill, but this is not what we prayed would happen!Michael has always been a wonderful, caring, and supportive friend. I knew of his love of cars and racing, his exceptional intelligence, creativity, wonderful ideas, innovations for the Pantera Club and his often strong opinions and vehement personality. One that at times was misinterpreted or met with conflict when attempting to change the status quo. Yet, those who knew Michael knew he was dedicated to his beliefs, had great sensitivity, a warm, loving, and soft heart, and always shared his adoration and appreciation for his beloved wife, Joni, brimming with pride about his granddaughter, love of his parents and relatives of which he often spoke, and his dearly departed little (4 legged) best friend Cody. Having been involved with film and production, Michael wrote movie critiques to put Rotten Tomatoes to shame.
He shared much with us and even honored me by selecting me to be the take-over Editor of Profiles when he was President as the position had changed prior to the next election. It so happened there was a great deal of political strife at the time; I found it easiest to just turn it over. Even yet the last couple years I've published an interview article in each quarterly Profiles. Mike Haney, (Jack De Ryke's son) has done a fine job of editing what is a beautiful magazine. He publishes my articles, for that I am grateful. This leads me to my forthcoming article that will be a listing of all POCA Presidents for the past fifty years and the messages of those I could reach. I thus very recently asked Michael if he was willing and wouldn't mind, with all going on with him medically, to contribute to this article about the POCA Presidents. He was more than willing and wrote me what he'd like to say. As not all of you are POCA Members, I will share some of what he wrote.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael Shortt - I've been staying active since my membership, buying, refurbishing, and selling eight Panteras and one Mangusta. I still own "DeTomaso Market Place" on Facebook and track all public Pantera sales results at "DeTomaso Pantera Sales & Reports" also on Facebook. It's been great fun.  As far as my Pantera, I've owned #1660 for twenty years and just redid it again.  Lately I learned some unpleasant news and am now in a battle for my life.  I was found to have Biliary Cancer and pending the outcome of my recent surgery and current chemo treatments, I may need a liver transplant.  My time is limited if these measures aren't successful. I hope to be here as long as I can.  As your President  I worked 24/7 to make the improvements to the Club I saw fit.  I am very proud of these accomplishments. I'd say a major feat was entirely modernizing the POCA.com website to a fully functional multimedia experience and added on-line payment.  Worked to implement other ideas I thought were for the betterment of the Club. For example, opened Board of Directors' meetings to our members, established the POCA Summer Summit events for those on the East Coast, and brought Jay Leno to our Natl. Meeting for a show at the Las Vegas Mirage, plus others. I did get things done and many welcomed the changes.  Always sending my best wishes to all the members and the Club. I am Pantera for LIFE!   
-------------------------------------------------------------Rest in Peace dearest Michael. I am heart broken and will always miss your treasured friendship. You have always been an inspiration.
Condolences and love to all Michael's family,Laurie Basile  

-------------- next part --------------
   I went onto Facebook yesterday and was shocked to read that Michael had
   passed away in the morning. Many of us knew he was ill, but this is not
   what we prayed would happen!
   Michael has always been a wonderful, caring, and supportive friend. I
   knew of his love of cars and racing, his exceptional intelligence,
   creativity, wonderful ideas, innovations for the Pantera Club and his
   often strong opinions and vehement personality. One that at times was
   misinterpreted or met with conflict when attempting to change the
   status quo. Yet, those who knew Michael knew he was dedicated to his
   beliefs, had great sensitivity, a warm, loving, and soft heart, and
   always shared his adoration and appreciation for his beloved wife,
   Joni, brimming with pride about his granddaughter, love of his parents
   and relatives of which he often spoke, and his dearly departed little
   (4 legged) best friend Cody. Having been involved with film and
   production, Michael wrote movie critiques to put Rotten Tomatoes to
   He shared much with us and even honored me by selecting me to be the
   take-over Editor of Profiles when he was President as the position had
   changed prior to the next election. It so happened there was a great
   deal of political strife at the time; I found it easiest to just turn
   it over. Even yet the last couple years I've published an interview
   article in each quarterly Profiles. Mike Haney, (Jack De Ryke's son)
   has done a fine job of editing what is a beautiful magazine. He
   publishes my articles, for that I am grateful. This leads me to my
   forthcoming article that will be a listing of all POCA Presidents for
   the past fifty years and the messages of those I could reach. I thus
   very recently asked Michael if he was willing and wouldn't mind, with
   all going on with him medically, to contribute to this article about
   the POCA Presidents. He was more than willing and wrote me what he'd
   like to say. As not all of you are POCA Members, I will share some of
   what he wrote.
   Michael Shortt - I've been staying active since my membership, buying,
   refurbishing, and selling eight Panteras and one Mangusta. I still own
   "DeTomaso Market Place" on Facebook and track all public Pantera sales
   results at "DeTomaso Pantera Sales & Reports" also on Facebook. It's
   been great fun.  As far as my Pantera, I've owned #1660 for twenty
   years and just redid it again.  Lately I learned some unpleasant news
   and am now in a battle for my life.  I was found to have Biliary Cancer
   and pending the outcome of my recent surgery and current chemo
   treatments, I may need a liver transplant.  My time is limited if these
   measures aren't successful. I hope to be here as long as I can.
   As your President  I worked 24/7 to make the improvements to the Club I
   saw fit.  I am very proud of these accomplishments. I'd say a major
   feat was entirely modernizing the POCA.com website to a fully
   functional multimedia experience and added on-line payment.  Worked to
   implement other ideas I thought were for the betterment of the Club.
   For example, opened Board of Directors' meetings to our members,
   established the POCA Summer Summit events for those on the East Coast,
   and brought Jay Leno to our Natl. Meeting for a show at the Las Vegas
   Mirage, plus others. I did get things done and many welcomed the
   changes.  Always sending my best wishes to all the members and the
   Club. I am Pantera for LIFE!
   Rest in Peace dearest Michael. I am heart broken and will always miss
   your treasured friendship. You have always been an inspiration.
   Condolences and love to all Michael's family,
   Laurie Basile

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