[DeTomaso] What Positions the gas tank?

Curt Hall cuvee at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 4 14:15:06 EDT 2024

 The Italian way? LOL Depends or how Wine Luigi and Pasquale had for lunch that day? LOL
    On Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 09:42:52 AM PDT, Ken Green via DeTomaso <detomaso at server.detomasolist.com> wrote:  
 Not happy with the tank fit, not precise?  Is that the Italian way, LOL.

When I try to get the tank in position the rear edge slides against the tapered body panel (photo attached) and I can tighten the bolt on the bottom strap attachment to hold the tank.  Is that how this works.  A squeeze fit???



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   The Italian way? LOL Depends or how Wine Luigi and Pasquale had for
   lunch that day? LOL

   On Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 09:42:52 AM PDT, Ken Green via DeTomaso
   <detomaso at server.detomasolist.com> wrote:
   Not happy with the tank fit, not precise?  Is that the Italian way,
   When I try to get the tank in position the rear edge slides against the
   tapered body panel (photo attached) and I can tighten the bolt on the
   bottom strap attachment to hold the tank.  Is that how this works.  A
   squeeze fit???
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