[DeTomaso] Torque specs

Larry Stock larrys at panteraparts.com
Tue Jun 4 11:33:12 EDT 2024

It is the design that leaks. The Transaxle side plates typically should weep a little oil thru them. The very original ZF design actually made these of aluminum just like the rest of the case. ZF went to the cast Iron side plates for stiffness but because of the differential outward axel force providing the limited slip clutch lock ups forces on the side plates, as they tend to flex and "oil can" the oil thru the gasket. The harder you drive it the more oil drips you will see. Drive it too easy, and it will be dry.

On 6/4/24, 7:16 AM, "detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com <mailto:detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com> on behalf of jim.kosloskey at jim-kosloskey.com <mailto:jim.kosloskey at jim-kosloskey.com>" <detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com <mailto:detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com> on behalf of jim.kosloskey at jim-kosloskey.com <mailto:jim.kosloskey at jim-kosloskey.com>> wrote:


Is there a document on the Member's Document list that has torque
ratings for all of the fasteners?

At this point, I am most concerned about torque rating (if any) for the
transaxle plugs and the plates where the half shafts attach to the ZF
(on mine they seem to need to be tightened periodically otherwise they
leak slightly).

It would be nice to know where to find torques specs when I need them.



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