[DeTomaso] Refinishing Wheels

Larry Stock larrys at panteraparts.com
Sun Jul 28 15:16:33 EDT 2024

We do it Jeff, but if they have already been powder coated, they will need to have the powder coat baked off in a furnace and then the wheel prep can begin.
Larry Stock

On 7/27/24, 2:03 PM, "DeTomaso on behalf of Jeff Detrich" <detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com <mailto:detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com> on behalf of jjdetrich at gmail.com <mailto:jjdetrich at gmail.com>> wrote:

Anybody have suggestions on where to get mag wheels refinished?
Mine were powdercoated 20 some years ago and they are chipped. Need to
remove powdercoatingA and prep for painting.

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