[DeTomaso] Help!-Car stumbles, power loss---occasionally!

Sean Korb spkorb at gmail.com
Thu May 18 07:45:08 EDT 2023

I've also run into this issue with a blown power valve, but unless
you've experienced a noticeable backfire recently it's probably fine.
The modern powervalves include some backfire protection.   It's a
midrange stumble off idle to midrange, but if you goose it the
accelerator pump usually overcomes the lean condition.

I've had some really tough issues with modern gasoline shellacking
carburetors but I think if the carburetor is 20 years old like mine
it's probably a natural occurrence.  Some Techron in the tank has
often cleared it up after a period of driving.  My tank is aluminum so
no rust but it's a whole other beast.


On 5/11/23, Panteratime via DeTomaso <detomaso at server.detomasolist.com> wrote:
>    Folks,
>    The vehicle:
>    1972 stock Pantera with Demon carb, Blaster ignition coil
>    Rarely driven car -maybe 1000 miles a year
>    The  Owner:
>    (Average mechanic skills, I did install intake manifold, stainless
>    brake lines, Fluidyne aluminum radiator , plugs, Demon carb, etc when I
>    bought car over 20 years ago)
>    I never touched a distributor!
>    The scenerio:
>    Took a really nice ride out east of Long Island to wineries with club
>    last Saturday.   Full full tank of gas, oil level fine, car ran well.
>     All of a sudden on acceleration from a stop light the car stumbles a
>    bit, loss of power, then rides great after it gets past a certain
>    point.   Car runs fine at speed, stumbled occasionally a few more times
>    on acceleration as trip went on.   I also noticed a higher idle than
>    normal.  (Temp a bit higher than normal as well, thought maybe cause
>    idle was too high)   (One time I had dieseling after shut off).   The
>    guys asked how long since I changed my points and I said I never did.
>    They recommended removing the bulkhead and checking the timing and
>    looking at the points and possible stuck float bulb in carb.   (I'll
>    change my belts when bulkhead is off as well)
>    Then the conversation went to changing to electronic ignition, set em n
>    forget em.
>    The Ask:
>      * Any other suggestions on what issue may be?
>      * Thoughts on electronic ignition and/or what brand electronic
>        ignition you all recommend
>      * Any thing to look at with carb?
>    Thank you in advance!
>    Cliff NY

Sean Korb spkorb at gmail.com http://spkorb.org (est 1994)
"Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers." -P. Picasso

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