[DeTomaso] Looking for feedback

Jim Kosloskey jim.kosloskey at jim-kosloskey.com
Wed Jul 29 16:54:12 EDT 2020



I am in the process of organizing my punch list for future work on #6949.


On that list are some electrical items.


For some of those I am considering using some of Pantera Electronics
modules. I am pretty sure the Fuse Panel will be first.


Is anyone willing to share their experiences with this company and its


Also, although I have not had any wiring issues, should I be considering
more than module replacement in the wiring? I have the Alternator replaced
with a Voltmeter.


The vehicle was restored and lightly modified (cooling, engine/ZF rebuild,
bare metal repaint, A/C conversion, electronic ignition) recently but the
electrical system was left pretty much alone. I have other items on my punch
list but right now the electrical is working its way to the top.


Thank you,


Jim Kosloskey #6949 '74 L Yellow


-------------- next part --------------

   I am in the process of organizing my punch list for future work on

   On that list are some electrical items.

   For some of those I am considering using some of Pantera Electronics
   modules. I am pretty sure the Fuse Panel will be first.

   Is anyone willing to share their experiences with this company and its

   Also, although I have not had any wiring issues, should I be
   considering more than module replacement in the wiring? I have the
   Alternator replaced with a Voltmeter.

   The vehicle was restored and lightly modified (cooling, engine/ZF
   rebuild, bare metal repaint, A/C conversion, electronic ignition)
   recently but the electrical system was left pretty much alone. I have
   other items on my punch list but right now the electrical is working
   its way to the top.

   Thank you,

   Jim Kosloskey #6949 '74 L Yellow

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