[DeTomaso] How About Vegas Covention in March?

Fastgrandma at aol.com Fastgrandma at aol.com
Tue Apr 1 18:50:14 EDT 2008

Gee, you must not have been to Vegas the years it was freezing and we 
expected hot weather so only had lightweight clothing!   We've also had wind storms, 
rainstorms and just about anything, so I'll take hot weather rather than the 
rest.   Come visit our state in June or July and then you'll really know what 
hot weather is!   :)

Aside from the temps, I would prefer to keep the Rally at the time its been 
so I don't have to think about possible snow storms getting to Vegas; a couple 
years we've had snow only a week or two before Vegas and my Pantera is not 

Judy VP

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