[DeTomaso] Digest, Vol 39, Issue 19- PANTERA CHALLENGE

Mad Dog Antenucci teampantera at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 19 16:05:43 EDT 2007

Big Bob,
  I don't have any doubt you have the driving skills to make it happen.  I can say I have used up too many of my 9 lives already to go much faster then I already have  but YOU...no problem! ;-]>
  Silver State is more about the 'event' (aka party) in Ely then it is about a challenging road....the road courses in Mexico and Nebraska espially, then Texas and all the other Nevada ORR's (Bonneville 100, Pony Express & Gamblers Run)....are all more of a challenge. but Silver State (Ely) as you know is the biggest ORR and a blast so come back and drive it at 160-170 next.
   If you, Blaine or others can average 180+ in straights, keep from going airborne on dips, stay out of the rock walls in canyon and hills and keep your engine from grenading at WOT for 30 minutes you will be my NEW hero ;-]>
  The dips are just two to three  miles long but they have got worse...Best advise is slow down in that section and speed up on the rest of the course....No reason why you can't average 150-160 in May. 
  In fact I expect it....Of course if you only do 150 I'll have to do 151....that why I am hoping Slacker Larry Stock will come back...he likes to talk allot of smack....always motivates me to do better!  ;-]>
  Love you Man  
  Mad Dawg Antenucci
  Team Pantera Racing
  "If it was easy you'd do it"

RCBSONS1 at aol.com wrote:
  First I would like state that the thing I
really missed about my car when it was gone
was the sound of the 180's...then the smell
of the race gas.... then... ok thats it for now

177 average... that seems easy.... 140 was
a piece of cake.... only had her up to 165 with
a lot left in the thottle

I bet there are no rock chips that would catch 
it at that speed... but tearing the shocks off thru
the woops might be a little hard on the new paint

Dawg let me know when you get that woop thing
figured out and we can consider the 177 average

Bob Slacker Trailer Queen Benson

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Mad Dawg Antenucci 
Team Pantera Racing 
  The 1st & still the only vintage race team in open road racing 

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