[DeTomaso] DeTomaso Digest, Vol 39, Issue 19- PANTERA CHALLENGE

RCBSONS1 at aol.com RCBSONS1 at aol.com
Fri Oct 19 13:44:58 EDT 2007

First I would like state that the thing I
really missed about my car when it was gone
was the sound of the 180's...then the smell
of the race gas.... then...  ok thats it for now
177 average... that seems easy.... 140 was
a piece of cake.... only had her up to 165 with
a lot left in the thottle
I bet there are no rock chips that would catch 
it at that speed... but tearing the shocks off thru
the woops might be a little hard on the new paint
Dawg let me know when you get that woop thing
figured out and we can consider the 177 average
Bob Slacker Trailer Queen Benson

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