[DeTomaso] Donut Derelicts on Saturday Oct. 6in Huntington Beach @ o'dark hours

Mad Dog Antenucci teampantera at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 6 18:50:46 EDT 2007

Beautiful day....Parking lot was full before it was light outside!
  Bill Harris drove his GTS as did Gary Wyatt who has a good looking Team Pantera Racing yellow pre-L and Mad Dawg drove the Purple People Eater with the monster high compression engine. Portegese Rod, Steve "Irish" Donegan and a couple others I can't remember also snuck in under the radar driving Chevy's or something equally frightening and we all headed to the Magnolia Cafe, discussed solutions on how to deal with North Korea, Syria, Iran, Iraq and world peace, illegal immigration, and why strokers and big compression suck and Clevelands rule! ;-]> 
  Huh Hoard who crashed his Viper in the One Mile Shoot-Out in May showed up. he was the guy who pulled his parachute at 202 mph, went off road and pretty much totaled the bottom half of the Viper but amazingly never rolled over...Good or better  news is he is rebuilding the Viper, reinstalling the same 1,100 HP V-10 and coming out to play again hopefully without the parachute ;-]>.
  Mad Dawg Antenucci
  Team Pantera Racing
  "If it was easy you'd do it"

Mad Dog Antenucci <teampantera at yahoo.com> wrote:
  Rain or shine I will be back at DD in HB tomorrow morning with the Pantera.  Steve "Irish" Donegan is bringing his new ride down so lets be 'representin' tomorrow. I don't want to hear any more of the usual Socal Pantera/TPOC owner slacker excuses (I.E. it was raining, I slept in, my engine is out of car, I'll ride my vintage bike, I'm in the 11th year of restoration or I have a car show, mommy said I couldn't go, etc)...you show up last andyou buy donuts, my kid has a rugby match, etc).
  For lurkers or anyone running for political office (you reading this Hillary?) this would be a good time to talk to motorheads about your political agenda  as it relates to automobiles ;-]
  Exit Magnolia South toward ocean) and DD is in a non-descript parking lot at "Magnolia and Adams" on left side of street.
  O'dark hours until +/- 8 (breakfast at Magnolia Cafe afterwards)
  Date:         Saturday October 6, 2007
  Get there early for a parking place

  Mad Dawg Antenucci 
Team Pantera Racing 
  The 1st & still the only vintage race team in open road racing 

Mad Dawg Antenucci 
Team Pantera Racing 
  The 1st & still the only vintage race team in open road racing 

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