[DeTomaso] Silicone Fuel Filler Hose

byrdjf at embarqmail.com byrdjf at embarqmail.com
Mon Jun 10 22:23:39 EDT 2024

Compatibility table. . .
I don't think "X" means excellent

-----Original Message-----
From: DeTomaso <detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com> On Behalf Of Ken Green via DeTomaso
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2024 9:41 PM
To: Detomaso Email List <detomaso at detomasolist.com>
Subject: [DeTomaso] Silicone Fuel Filler Hose

I have my SS tank from Hall and it looks like a short filler hose with a 45 deg bend may be perfect.  I found this:


Is silicone air hose OK for filler hose?  I think the intended use is an air hose for turbo plumbing.



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