[DeTomaso] Parnelli Jones, August 12, 1933 – June 4, 2024

Michael Becker mikebecker679 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 11:30:17 EDT 2024


He was also a great and gracious guy. We had him as a guest speaker at a
joint Pantera & Shelby San Diego meeting a few years back. It was very
enjoyable. Here’s a link to a few photos:



On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 8:18 AM Larry Stock <larrys at panteraparts.com> wrote:

>     Parnelli Jones, August 12, 1933 - June 4, 2024
>    Parnelli Jones retired from professional driving in the id-1970s but
>    was always ready to drive around Indianapolis Motor Speedway in his No.
>    40 STP car - Penske Entertainment photo
>    One of the greatest, toughest drivers of his era, Rufus Parnell Jones,
>    known to one and all in the racing game as Parnelli Jones, lost his
>    battle with Parkinson's Disease on June 4 in Torrance, CA. Jones was 90
>    years old and had lived in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County for
>    all but seven years of his life, having been born in Arkansas.
>    Parnelli Jones was a master of going faster and performed his feats in
>    many different phases of motor sport. From the start of his career,
>    Jones' prowess in any type of car, from jalopies to late models to West
>    Coast stockers, he showed the talents that would see him find success
>    through the many different phases of his career.
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-------------- next part --------------
   He was also a great and gracious guy. We had him as a guest speaker at
   a joint Pantera & Shelby San Diego meeting a few years back. It was
   very enjoyable. Hereas a link to a few photos:
   A [1]http://www.sandiegopanteras.com/Gall2009/g09parnelli.htm


   On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 8:18a-AM Larry Stock
   <[2]larrys at panteraparts.com> wrote:

     A  A  Parnelli Jones, August 12, 1933 - June 4, 2024
     A  A Parnelli Jones retired from professional driving in the
     id-1970s but
     A  A was always ready to drive around Indianapolis Motor Speedway in
     his No.
     A  A 40 STP car - Penske Entertainment photo
     A  A One of the greatest, toughest drivers of his era, Rufus Parnell
     A  A known to one and all in the racing game as Parnelli Jones, lost
     A  A battle with Parkinson's Disease on June 4 in Torrance, CA.
     Jones was 90
     A  A years old and had lived in the South Bay area of Los Angeles
     County for
     A  A all but seven years of his life, having been born in Arkansas.
     A  A Parnelli Jones was a master of going faster and performed his
     feats in
     A  A many different phases of motor sport. From the start of his
     A  A Jones' prowess in any type of car, from jalopies to late models
     to West
     A  A Coast stockers, he showed the talents that would see him find
     A  A through the many different phases of his career.
     Detomaso Email List is not managed by POCA
     Posted emails must not exceed 1.5 Megabytes
     DeTomaso mailing list
     [3]DeTomaso at server.detomasolist.com
     To manage your subscription (change email address, unsubscribe,
     etc.) use the links above.
     Members who post to this list grant license to the list to forward
     any message posted here to all past, current, or future members of
     the list. They also grant the list owner permission to maintain an
     archive or approve the archiving of list messages.


   1. http://www.sandiegopanteras.com/Gall2009/g09parnelli.htm
   2. mailto:larrys at panteraparts.com
   3. mailto:DeTomaso at server.detomasolist.com
   4. http://server.detomasolist.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso

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