[DeTomaso] Fwd: Hammer Price Portfolio Report - Sunday, November 24, 2019

Julian Kift julian_kift at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 24 21:06:49 EST 2019

Sold at Mecum Indy for $82,500 (the other GT5 with white BMWesque paint scheme was the real bargain at $45,100), so with buyers shipping costs and potential sale fees, the new seller certainly didn't stand to make a killing.


From: DeTomaso <detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com> on behalf of Mike Drew via DeTomaso <detomaso at server.detomasolist.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2019 12:40 PM
To: De Tomaso Forum <detomaso at server.detomasolist.com>
Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] Fwd: Hammer Price Portfolio Report - Sunday, November 24, 2019


Sorry, the auction link got truncated. Here it is:



Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 24, 2019, at 13:41, Joseph F. Byrd, Jr. <byrdjf at embarqmail.com> wrote:
> Is there an ID number so that car can be viewed?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DeTomaso [mailto:detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com] On Behalf Of Mike Drew via DeTomaso
> Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2019 14:32 PM
> To: De Tomaso Forum
> Subject: [DeTomaso] Fwd: Hammer Price Portfolio Report - Sunday, November 24, 2019
> All,
> A Pantera GT5 which sold CHEAP at auction in the USA just a few months ago crossed the block in Riyadh at Saudi Arabia’s first-ever collector car auction.
> https://worldwideauctioneers.com/car-details/
> It bid up to $120k which is much, much more than it sold for a few months ago, but was a no-sale.
> The seller should have taken the money and run....he will be hard-pressed to match that elsewhere, plus will incur more costs in doing so.
> Mike
> Sent from my iPad
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: info at hammerpricelive.com
>> Date: November 24, 2019 at 00:02:15 CST
>> To: MikeLDrew at aol.com
>> Subject: Hammer Price Portfolio Report - Sunday, November 24, 2019
>> Portfolio Report    Sunday, November 24, 2019
>> Pantera
>> 1.
>> 1985 DeTomaso    HIGH BID    $120,000 USD
>> Pantera GT5    EST. PRICE    $0-$0 USD
>> EXTERIOR    Yellow
>> INTERIOR    Black
>> Lot 58    Riyadh
>> CHASSIS Nº    874LTHPNCD09358
>> November 23, 2019    12:12PM (EST)
>> De Tomaso
>> 1.
>> 1985 DeTomaso    HIGH BID    $120,000 USD
>> Pantera GT5    EST. PRICE    $0-$0 USD
>> EXTERIOR    Yellow
>> INTERIOR    Black
>> Lot 58    Riyadh
>> CHASSIS Nº    874LTHPNCD09358
>> November 23, 2019    12:12PM (EST)
>> Too much mail? Adjust your Hammer Price notification preferences in the app using Settings.
>> © 2019 Live Auction Results, LLC
-------------- next part --------------
   Sold at Mecum Indy for $82,500 (the other GT5 with white BMWesque paint
   scheme was the real bargain at $45,100), so with buyers shipping costs
   and potential sale fees, the new seller certainly didn't stand to make
   a killing.


   From: DeTomaso <detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com> on behalf of
   Mike Drew via DeTomaso <detomaso at server.detomasolist.com>
   Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2019 12:40 PM
   To: De Tomaso Forum <detomaso at server.detomasolist.com>
   Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] Fwd: Hammer Price Portfolio Report - Sunday,
   November 24, 2019

   Sorry, the auction link got truncated. Here it is:
   Sent from my iPad
   > On Nov 24, 2019, at 13:41, Joseph F. Byrd, Jr.
   <byrdjf at embarqmail.com> wrote:
   > Is there an ID number so that car can be viewed?
   > -----Original Message-----
   > From: DeTomaso [[2]mailto:detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com]
   On Behalf Of Mike Drew via DeTomaso
   > Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2019 14:32 PM
   > To: De Tomaso Forum
   > Subject: [DeTomaso] Fwd: Hammer Price Portfolio Report - Sunday,
   November 24, 2019
   > All,
   > A Pantera GT5 which sold CHEAP at auction in the USA just a few
   months ago crossed the block in Riyadh at Saudi Arabia's first-ever
   collector car auction.
   > [3]https://worldwideauctioneers.com/car-details/
   > It bid up to $120k which is much, much more than it sold for a few
   months ago, but was a no-sale.
   > The seller should have taken the money and run....he will be
   hard-pressed to match that elsewhere, plus will incur more costs in
   doing so.
   > Mike
   > Sent from my iPad
   > Begin forwarded message:
   >> From: info at hammerpricelive.com
   >> Date: November 24, 2019 at 00:02:15 CST
   >> To: MikeLDrew at aol.com
   >> Subject: Hammer Price Portfolio Report - Sunday, November 24, 2019
   >> Portfolio Report    Sunday, November 24, 2019
   >> Pantera
   >> 1.
   >> 1985 DeTomaso    HIGH BID    $120,000 USD
   >> Pantera GT5    EST. PRICE    $0-$0 USD
   >> EXTERIOR    Yellow
   >> INTERIOR    Black
   >> Lot 58    Riyadh
   >> CHASSIS N-o    874LTHPNCD09358
   >> November 23, 2019    12:12PM (EST)
   >> De Tomaso
   >> 1.
   >> 1985 DeTomaso    HIGH BID    $120,000 USD
   >> Pantera GT5    EST. PRICE    $0-$0 USD
   >> EXTERIOR    Yellow
   >> INTERIOR    Black
   >> Lot 58    Riyadh
   >> CHASSIS N-o    874LTHPNCD09358
   >> November 23, 2019    12:12PM (EST)
   >> Too much mail? Adjust your Hammer Price notification preferences in
   the app using Settings.
   >> (c) 2019 Live Auction Results, LLC


   1. https://worldwideauctioneers.com/car-details/?id=74&rid=021
   2. mailto:detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com
   3. https://worldwideauctioneers.com/car-details/

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