[DeTomaso] POCA business on this forum

Ken Green kenn_green at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 8 13:51:12 EDT 2016

You mean do something before someone burns though the cash reserve playing with their ideas of what a club should be.  I heard the POCA cash reserve is over $100,000.  I don't know anything about the typical size of cash reserves for car clubs, but that seems like a lot?

      From: Dave <dave at damardirect.com>
 To: The DeTomaso Registry Guy <detomasoregistry at gmail.com> 
Cc: DeTomaso List <detomaso at server.detomasolist.com>
 Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 10:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] POCA business on this forum
Thank you Chuck for letting me know what has transpired within the organization. Thank you Kurt for the resurrection.

It is interesting that the new POCA website forum is far behind this forum as far as popularity. It is also worth noting that technology, the "better", new format of the POCA, is suffering a lack of attendance or participation, compared to this site. The phrase "build it & they will come running" certainly does not sound like it is happening. So why is the old guard allowing this to happen? It seems so flagrant. I think I read a sentiment that in essence said, if you don't like the new structure, you are not needed. This is a car group, how do you censor or better, why would you threaten anyone who disagrees with expulsion?

Seems there is the dominate group forcing the subordinate group to leave, the very definition of expulsion. 
I agree Chuck, so very sad. I would think change is needed sooner than later.

-----Original Message-----
From: The DeTomaso Registry Guy [mailto:detomasoregistry at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:27 PM
To: Dave
Cc: DeTomaso List
Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] POCA business on this forum

Can someone enlighten me, please?
I am/was under the impression this email list or forum was rescued from being dissolved by Kurt. (thank you Kurt) I was also under the impression this site was not part of or controlled by POCA..
Is this true?


You missed someone's good explanation of the list history.  It was started long ago, and when it was time for the guy to move on, he allowed POCA to 'manage' it under certain conditions.

Then recently MS decided it should be killed, favoring the POCA Board-like forum.

Kurt Byrnes (sp ?) took responsibility and restarted it.
Now, the list is 'freed from POCA'...  THANKS Kurt!

To use the POCA forum requires membership ($75 annually), it is censored for anti-POCA content, is no better than the GREAT (and free) PI Forum, actually much LESS than the PI Forum, and thus is not really used.

And when newly-freed spirits discuss things 'here' some POCA people feel compelled to answer.

Perhaps the POCA propaganda machine should re-evaluate their communications method.

Or maybe Dave, you are adding your commentary too subtly for me (big grin).
(Read between the lines ?!?  What lines ?!?  GRIN)


What caught my attention was a statement was made by the POCA-propaganda machine (PPM) regarding evaluation of alternate printers.
How this was presented did seem reasonable (at first!). Yet Judy DeRyke (and/or others) commented on how the decision was actually made.  This was refuted by the PPM. So someone felt it necessary to post just how POCA makes its decisions (well how Michael Shortt makes decisions for ALL POCA members) using an actual e-mail message as the fact/source/evidence. What better way to form an opinion than with facts, right?

The posting of the facts was made by a non-POCA officer.
He was then threatened with censure and being kicked out of the club for posting the evidence.  WOW !  

First, I do not believe the person posting the facts can or should be punished.  He did not sign a statement or agree to ANY terms that he is in violation of. Challenging a lie is the right thing to do. If Mr. Shortt wants to try to punish anyone, it should be himself for not conveying the truth in the first place.

While I am not passing judgment on any one suggestion for improvement of POCA, I do object to HOW things are done, and HOW people are being treated. 
More specifically how people who are not in full agreement with the current POCA president are being treated.  Let everyone focus on that >one< issue.  Correct that problem first, otherwise it will taint any and all (otherwise possibly good) suggestions for change within POCA.

With the leak of this document, POCA members and non-members alike have been given insight into just how POCA is currently being run.  How the PPM will respond will also be enlightening!

Sad, quite sad.

Here is an idea mentioned to me recently, perhaps if POCA wants to respond to statements, they could do so, but on their own website, and from their elected Public Relations guy (only), isn't that what the PR job entails?

(Sorry to poke at Ed Mendez the current POCA PR guy, as he must have a REALLY tough job, being elected to be the official POCA voice, but having less-than-accurate statements made by the current POCA president as IF he is the sole POCA voice.)

What a mess for the PR guy to be stuck with...



Detomaso Forum NO LONGER Managed by POCA
Posted emails must not exceed 1.5 Megabytes
DeTomaso mailing list
DeTomaso at server.detomasolist.com

To manage your subscription (change email address, unsubscribe, etc.) use the links above.

Members who post to this list grant license to the list to forward any message posted here to all past, current, or future members of the list. They also grant the list owner permission to maintain an archive or approve the archiving of list messages.

-------------- next part --------------
   You mean do something before someone burns though the cash reserve
   playing with their ideas of what a club should be.  I heard the POCA
   cash reserve is over $100,000.  I don't know anything about the typical
   size of cash reserves for car clubs, but that seems like a lot?

   From: Dave <dave at damardirect.com>
   To: The DeTomaso Registry Guy <detomasoregistry at gmail.com>
   Cc: DeTomaso List <detomaso at server.detomasolist.com>
   Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 10:18 AM
   Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] POCA business on this forum
   Thank you Chuck for letting me know what has transpired within the
   organization. Thank you Kurt for the resurrection.
   It is interesting that the new POCA website forum is far behind this
   forum as far as popularity. It is also worth noting that technology,
   the "better", new format of the POCA, is suffering a lack of attendance
   or participation, compared to this site. The phrase "build it & they
   will come running" certainly does not sound like it is happening. So
   why is the old guard allowing this to happen? It seems so flagrant. I
   think I read a sentiment that in essence said, if you don't like the
   new structure, you are not needed. This is a car group, how do you
   censor or better, why would you threaten anyone who disagrees with
   Seems there is the dominate group forcing the subordinate group to
   leave, the very definition of expulsion.
   I agree Chuck, so very sad. I would think change is needed sooner than
   -----Original Message-----
   From: The DeTomaso Registry Guy [mailto:[1]detomasoregistry at gmail.com]
   Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:27 PM
   To: Dave
   Cc: DeTomaso List
   Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] POCA business on this forum
   Can someone enlighten me, please?
   I am/was under the impression this email list or forum was rescued from
   being dissolved by Kurt. (thank you Kurt) I was also under the
   impression this site was not part of or controlled by POCA..
   Is this true?
   You missed someone's good explanation of the list history.  It was
   started long ago, and when it was time for the guy to move on, he
   allowed POCA to 'manage' it under certain conditions.
   Then recently MS decided it should be killed, favoring the POCA
   Board-like forum.
   Kurt Byrnes (sp ?) took responsibility and restarted it.
   Now, the list is 'freed from POCA'...  THANKS Kurt!
   To use the POCA forum requires membership ($75 annually), it is
   censored for anti-POCA content, is no better than the GREAT (and free)
   PI Forum, actually much LESS than the PI Forum, and thus is not really
   And when newly-freed spirits discuss things 'here' some POCA people
   feel compelled to answer.
   Perhaps the POCA propaganda machine should re-evaluate their
   communications method.
   Or maybe Dave, you are adding your commentary too subtly for me (big
   (Read between the lines ?!?  What lines ?!?  GRIN)
   What caught my attention was a statement was made by the
   POCA-propaganda machine (PPM) regarding evaluation of alternate
   How this was presented did seem reasonable (at first!). Yet Judy DeRyke
   (and/or others) commented on how the decision was actually made.  This
   was refuted by the PPM. So someone felt it necessary to post just how
   POCA makes its decisions (well how Michael Shortt makes decisions for
   ALL POCA members) using an actual e-mail message as the
   fact/source/evidence. What better way to form an opinion than with
   facts, right?
   The posting of the facts was made by a non-POCA officer.
   He was then threatened with censure and being kicked out of the club
   for posting the evidence.  WOW !
   First, I do not believe the person posting the facts can or should be
   punished.  He did not sign a statement or agree to ANY terms that he is
   in violation of. Challenging a lie is the right thing to do. If Mr.
   Shortt wants to try to punish anyone, it should be himself for not
   conveying the truth in the first place.
   While I am not passing judgment on any one suggestion for improvement
   of POCA, I do object to HOW things are done, and HOW people are being
   More specifically how people who are not in full agreement with the
   current POCA president are being treated.  Let everyone focus on that
   >one< issue.  Correct that problem first, otherwise it will taint any
   and all (otherwise possibly good) suggestions for change within POCA.
   With the leak of this document, POCA members and non-members alike have
   been given insight into just how POCA is currently being run.  How the
   PPM will respond will also be enlightening!
   Sad, quite sad.
   Here is an idea mentioned to me recently, perhaps if POCA wants to
   respond to statements, they could do so, but on their own website, and
   from their elected Public Relations guy (only), isn't that what the PR
   job entails?
   (Sorry to poke at Ed Mendez the current POCA PR guy, as he must have a
   REALLY tough job, being elected to be the official POCA voice, but
   having less-than-accurate statements made by the current POCA president
   as IF he is the sole POCA voice.)
   What a mess for the PR guy to be stuck with...
   Detomaso Forum NO LONGER Managed by POCA
   Posted emails must not exceed 1.5 Megabytes
   DeTomaso mailing list
   [2]DeTomaso at server.detomasolist.com
   To manage your subscription (change email address, unsubscribe, etc.)
   use the links above.
   Members who post to this list grant license to the list to forward any
   message posted here to all past, current, or future members of the
   list. They also grant the list owner permission to maintain an archive
   or approve the archiving of list messages.


   1. mailto:detomasoregistry at gmail.com
   2. mailto:DeTomaso at server.detomasolist.com
   3. http://server.detomasolist.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso

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