[DeTomaso] POCA

Stephen steve at snclocks.com
Wed Jun 8 09:51:37 EDT 2016

I believe that Thomas gets to the heart of the issue with the current POCA
leader.  There have been a number of times that MS has responded to posts I
put out on there on the previous forum in a way that made me wonder why I
bothered to post at all.  It took me a while to distinguish between the
several Mikes that posted on the previous forum - it was the short one that
I figured out first - and I quit reading his responses.  Especially when I
realized that he really doesn't know it all, and that his technical guidance
was flawed as often as it was correct.

I know that the short is doing his best to put together his idea of a better
POCA site.  And I know it will offer a lot.  No doubt.  NTL, his amazing
ability to piss folks off with his truly marginal interpersonal skills is
well known, and totally inappropriate for a person in his position.  

 POCA is not this forum - and, well, vice versa.  3 years ago, when my wife
and I bought 5332, I likely would have put up with the shorts crap to get
what we needed - as I did in the past.  Today - well, 5332 is a dream to
drive, and I have this forum.  Tell me again what POCA does for me - other
than to remind me that some folk make terrible leaders?

Stephen Nelson

-----Original Message-----
From: DeTomaso [mailto:detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com] On Behalf
Of Thomas Törnblom
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 1:36 AM
To: detomaso at server.detomasolist.com
Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] POCA

1) You can't do much about family, love it or hate it.

2) If you have an issue with a colleague, step away, if it is with
management, get a new job

3) If you have an issue with the current leadership in a club you pay to be
part of, then quitting, even temporarily, would at least send a fairly
strong message that something is wrong, or else the club may not be for you

As I've said before, I will likely not renew my POCA membership when it is
due, and if I were ten years younger I would also get a new job.

Life's too short to having to deal with a*holes.


Den 2016-06-08 kl. 08:48, skrev Ed Mendez:
> Quitting is only going to hurt the club and the people in it who love you.
We are all family here. Quit because of one person you don't agree with?
Quit because of a family member you don't get along with? If we all did that
none of us would be working in our day jobs, or have a family at all.
> I assume punch my brother in the face, but he is still my brother and that
would really piss off my mom.
> Just saying.
> Better that maybe we all just step away from the computer screen for a
while, there's a whole big world out there.
> Sent from my iPhone 6 Plus
>> On 8/06/2016, at 17:14, Stephen <steve at snclocks.com> wrote:
>> Dear GoNancy Haney - I can readily understand your letting go of your 
>> POCA membership - right now the leadership is proving to be just 
>> plain polarizing.  Just don't let go of this forum!  And, one day, 
>> when hoof in mouth is not so rampant you can perhaps rejoin.
>> Stephen Nelson
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: DeTomaso [mailto:detomaso-bounces at server.detomasolist.com] On 
>> Behalf Of gonancy at juno.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 8:38 PM
>> To: detomaso at server.detomasolist.com
>> Subject: [DeTomaso] POCA
>> Dear Forum,
>>      Even though I've just been a lurker and occasional poster and 
>> spellcheck nazi on the Forum since its inception, I wanted to put it 
>> out to the Pantera Community that I will be letting Judy McCartney 
>> know that I am ending my membership in POCA effective immediately.  
>> That means my associate member, the Profiles Editor, will be leaving 
>> also. Mike has the June issue at the printer's right now. It will be his
last issue.
>>     As an aside, Mike couldn't even put his own profile on the POCA 
>> website, even though he's on the BOD, because he's an associate member,
not a "true "
>> member according to whomever it was that he contacted about it.  How 
>> do you like that?  Makes him sound like a second class citizen.
>> It's been a great 25 years,
>> GoNancy Haney
>> P.S.  I listened in on the last BOD meeting last week and it was all 
>> I could do to keep my mouth shut. A monumental effort on my part. I 
>> could not believe my ears sometimes at what MS was saying. He is a real
piece of work.
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