[DeTomaso] Longchmap at Beverly Hills Car Club

Mike Thomas mbefthomas at comcast.net
Wed Jul 30 22:33:21 EDT 2014

Um, ‘cept we’re talking about Longchamps here.  Pipe down, Mikey

One of the other Mikey’s


From: michaelsavga at gmail.com [mailto:michaelsavga at gmail.com] On Behalf Of michael at michaelshortt.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:44 PM
To: boyd casey
Cc: detomaso at poca.com; Mike Thomas; Mark Charlton
Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] Longchmap at Beverly Hills Car Club


The US version of the Pantera GTS was introduced in 1974. There were 150 imported. 60 silver.  60 maroonish. & the rarest of all stardard production cars..30 in yellow/gold.
All of course with Black below the beltline and a slightly blackish grey metallic hood and deck.

Michael Shortt

On Jul 30, 2014 8:28 PM, "Boyd Casey" <boyd411 at gmail.com <mailto:boyd411 at gmail.com> > wrote:

   I believe the GTS was introduced in 1974.

   On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Mark Charlton
   <[1]pantera01826 at rogers.com <mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com> > wrote:

     I do not believe that car COULD be an actual GTS as they were
     introduced some 5 years later at the 1980 Turin Auto Show.
     Pretty scary condition.
     Mark Charlton
     [2]pantera01826 at rogers.com <mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com> 

   On Jul 30, 2014, at 7:48 PM, Mike Thomas <[3]mbefthomas at comcast.net <mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net> >
   > A  There has been a lot of chatter about the Panteras at Beverly
   > A  but they also have a Longchamp, and GTS no less, from the looks of
   > A  (unless it's a clone). A Sadly, the thing looks like Swiss cheese,
   > A  probably not restorable. A It would appear the rust is so bad the
   > A  taillight buckets and right front suspension have collapsed on
   > A  themselves. A But there is a set of 8" and 10" Campy's, and for
   the $8K
   > A  they're asking, maybe that much A in salvageable stuff. A Weird
   rust on
   > A  the hood, though, must have been a bunch of stuff sitting on it.
   > A  Mike Thomas
   > A  VP, POCA
   > A  VP, Panteras Northwest
   > A  Yellow '74 #6328
   > A  From: Thomas, Michael B [mailto:[4]michael.b.thomas at boeing.com <mailto:michael.b.thomas at boeing.com> ]
   > A  Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:40 AM
   > A  To: [5]mbefthomas at comcast.net <mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net> 
   > A  Subject: Longchmap at Beverly Hills Car Club
   > A
   > A  mps-1634105.xhtml?conversationId=384161
   > References
   > A  1.

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     > Detomaso Forum Managed by POCA
     > DeTomaso mailing list
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     DeTomaso mailing list
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   1. mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com <mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com> 
   2. mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com <mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com> 
   3. mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net <mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net> 
   4. mailto:michael.b.thomas at boeing.com <mailto:michael.b.thomas at boeing.com> 
   5. mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net <mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net> 
   6. http://www.autotraderclassics.com/classic-car/1975-De+Tomaso-Longcha
   7. http://www.autotraderclassics.com/classic-car/1975-De+Tomaso-Longchamps-1634105.xhtml?conversationId=384161
   8. mailto:DeTomaso at poca.com <mailto:DeTomaso at poca.com> 
   9. http://poca.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso_poca.com
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  11. http://poca.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso_poca.com


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DeTomaso mailing list
DeTomaso at poca.com <mailto:DeTomaso at poca.com> 

-------------- next part --------------
   Um, `cept we're talking about Longchamps here.  Pipe down, Mikey

   One of the other Mikey's

   From: michaelsavga at gmail.com [mailto:michaelsavga at gmail.com] On Behalf
   Of michael at michaelshortt.com
   Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:44 PM
   To: boyd casey
   Cc: detomaso at poca.com; Mike Thomas; Mark Charlton
   Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] Longchmap at Beverly Hills Car Club

   The US version of the Pantera GTS was introduced in 1974. There were
   150 imported. 60 silver.  60 maroonish. & the rarest of all stardard
   production cars..30 in yellow/gold.
   All of course with Black below the beltline and a slightly blackish
   grey metallic hood and deck.

   Michael Shortt

   On Jul 30, 2014 8:28 PM, "Boyd Casey" <[1]boyd411 at gmail.com> wrote:

        I believe the GTS was introduced in 1974.
        On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Mark Charlton
        <[1][2]pantera01826 at rogers.com> wrote:
          I do not believe that car COULD be an actual GTS as they were
          introduced some 5 years later at the 1980 Turin Auto Show.
          Pretty scary condition.
          Mark Charlton
          [2][3]pantera01826 at rogers.com
        On Jul 30, 2014, at 7:48 PM, Mike Thomas
     <[3][4]mbefthomas at comcast.net>
        > A  There has been a lot of chatter about the Panteras at
        > A  but they also have a Longchamp, and GTS no less, from the
     looks of
        > A  (unless it's a clone). A Sadly, the thing looks like Swiss
        > A  probably not restorable. A It would appear the rust is so
     bad the
        > A  taillight buckets and right front suspension have collapsed
        > A  themselves. A But there is a set of 8" and 10" Campy's, and
        the $8K
        > A  they're asking, maybe that much A in salvageable stuff. A
        rust on
        > A  the hood, though, must have been a bunch of stuff sitting on
        > A  Mike Thomas
        > A  VP, POCA
        > A  VP, Panteras Northwest
        > A  Yellow '74 #6328
        > A  From: Thomas, Michael B
     [mailto:[4][5]michael.b.thomas at boeing.com]
        > A  Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:40 AM
        > A  To: [5][6]mbefthomas at comcast.net
        > A  Subject: Longchmap at Beverly Hills Car Club
        > A

        > A  mps-1634105.xhtml?conversationId=384161
        > References
        > A  1.

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          [10][11]DeTomaso at poca.com
        1. mailto:[13]pantera01826 at rogers.com
        2. mailto:[14]pantera01826 at rogers.com
        3. mailto:[15]mbefthomas at comcast.net
        4. mailto:[16]michael.b.thomas at boeing.com
        5. mailto:[17]mbefthomas at comcast.net
        8. mailto:[20]DeTomaso at poca.com
        9. [21]http://poca.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso_poca.com
       10. mailto:[22]DeTomaso at poca.com
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     Detomaso Forum Managed by POCA
     DeTomaso mailing list
     [24]DeTomaso at poca.com


   1. mailto:boyd411 at gmail.com
   2. mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com
   3. mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com
   4. mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net
   5. mailto:michael.b.thomas at boeing.com
   6. mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net
   7. http://www.autotraderclassics.com/classic-car/1975-De+Tomaso-Long
   8. http://www.autotraderclassics.com/classic-car/1975-De+Tomaso-Longcha
   9. mailto:DeTomaso at poca.com
  10. http://poca.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso_poca.com
  11. mailto:DeTomaso at poca.com
  12. http://poca.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso_poca.com
  13. mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com
  14. mailto:pantera01826 at rogers.com
  15. mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net
  16. mailto:michael.b.thomas at boeing.com
  17. mailto:mbefthomas at comcast.net
  18. http://www.autotraderclassics.com/classic-car/1975-De+Tomaso-Longcha
  19. http://www.autotraderclassics.com/classic-car/1975-De+Tomaso-Longchamps-1634105.xhtml?conversationId=384161
  20. mailto:DeTomaso at poca.com
  21. http://poca.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso_poca.com
  22. mailto:DeTomaso at poca.com
  23. http://poca.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso_poca.com
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  25. http://poca.com/mailman/listinfo/detomaso_poca.com

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