[DeTomaso] New Carpet

B. Seib oldwheel at shaw.ca
Fri Feb 10 22:21:54 EST 2012

I went this route about 6-7 years ago. I ordered and received complete sets
of carpets from two different well known Pantera vendors. Neither carpet set
came from PIM or Hall. Both claimed to be a good match for the originals.
Neither was even close. One was black and the other was green! Shipping
stuff back from Canada gets expensive. In the end, I traded one $300+ new
set I got for a set of good original used ones from a low mileage car. With
those and my own originals, I have assembled a set of almost decent original
carpets. WARNING: Very few pantera owners appear to care about originality
so if you really do, it can be very hard to find the real thing. Maybe the
market for real excellent quality reproduction Pantera parts is estimated as
too small for anyone to invest in having really good stuff made? It isn't
just carpets either. Things may have changed since I bought mine a few years
back, but I'd bet against it. Unfortunately, the prevalence of ill-fitting
and poorly replicated Pantera parts seems to be increasing, not the reverse.
I wouldn't expect to get a good match for the original carpets in a
reproduction from a vendor. If you don't get a sample first, it's very
likely they will be different than the originals.

Best of luck.

David D Fisher fisher95020 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 10 16:39:03 CST 2012

Sorry if this subject is already covered.  I'm a newbie and cant figure out
way to search the archives.

I'm getting ready to replace carpets in my 73 (Yellow ext) and wanted to get
others experience.   My upholstery man quotes $1400 and he does good work,
I'd like to try and get a very original look.    I see PIM advertises a kit
$500 and Hall for $235.  I've asked for samples, but they dont seem to have

Anyone been down this path recently?




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