[DeTomaso] Metal Treatment for overflow tank

Julian Kift julian_kift at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 6 11:26:36 EST 2011

The tanks rust from the inside out, so an internal coating in addition to whatever you coat the outside with would probably provide the most longevity. There's POR15 or other proprietary coatings similar to those used on the fuel tank internals that will do the job.
> Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 07:59:51 -0800
> From: asajay at asajay.com
> To: detomaso at realbig.com
> Subject: [DeTomaso] Metal Treatment for overflow tank
> Hi all,
> I recently came into a stock overflow tank for a Pantera. As you my 
> recall mine looked like it had been shot with a rust gun and had holes 
> everywhere. This replacement is intact, holds pressure (not that it 
> needs to) and is bare metal at the moment.
> I'm interested in trying to keep it rust free and in good shape as 
> long as possible. In that vein I'm looking to understand if there is 
> some way I can treat the metal to help it's longevity. I'm sure 
> painting it or perhaps powder coating will help but is there something 
> else I should do to it to help it stay in good shape?
> Any idea are appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Asa Jay
> PS. For those who have been following my adventures, yes, this is not 
> meant to be permanent as I intend on upgrading/installing a more 
> proper system, probably when the engine comes out. Even so, let's 
> make this tank last a long time.
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