[DeTomaso] SPONSOR MONEY Re: NO Panteras signed up for SSCC

Mad Dog Antenucci teampantera at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 29 01:10:33 EDT 2010

This is a joke right?  No one going to Silver State...
All the List bench racers, race experts, and Pantera's with agazillion claimed HP and not one of them is registered? 
I'd be happy to sponsor someone who wants to run the Silver State....Count me in for a $100 bucks contribution for anyone with a Pantera who registers, shows up, passes tech and runs. 
Same rules apply If they are younger then 50 I'll add another $100 bucks and if they are older then 62 count me in for $300 and if they start and finish with an average speed of 150 MPH in a street licensed Pantera count me in for $1,000 bucks.
That is FUBAR
Mad Dawg Antenucci 
Team Pantera Racing 
The 1st & maybe the last vintage race team in open road racing 

--- On Sat, 8/28/10, Asa Jay Laughton <asajay at asajay.com> wrote:

From: Asa Jay Laughton <asajay at asajay.com>
Subject: [DeTomaso] NO Panteras signed up for SSCC
To: detomaso at realbig.com
Date: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 11:24 AM

  Can you believe it?  I certainly can't.  I just heard from Gail 
Waldman and not a single Pantera, not ONE, has signed up for the Silver 
State Classic Challenge happening in just 19 days.  I can't believe 
there isn't one person who has the wherewithal to keep Team Pantera 
Racing alive by participating in this event.  You all -know- my excuse, 
but what's yours?  Explore the options below.

It's just not right.  You realize not having a Pantera at the Silver 
State Classic triggers the prophetical start to the end of the world.  
DO YOU WANT THAT ON YOUR CONSCIENCE?  There's only -one- thing to do:  
Get a Pantera to the SSCC before it's too late.  Will it be -you- or 
will you send someone else in your stead?  The time for whining is over, 
it's time to leave the porch, it's time to remind the Open Road Racing 
community the Pantera is TIMELESS and knows no boundaries for success.  
It's time to remind all those flashy Corvette runners that a nearly 40 
year old supercar  can draw more attention than they can.  Will it be -you-?

If not, there may only be one chance left.  It's not inexpensive to run 
this challenge.  I figured my costs to be about $1500 between gas to get 
there, hotels, meals and event fees.  It's costing my family that much 
to fly Sam and Shelley to Milwaukee Wisconsin for motility testing of 
Sam's colon on September 12.  You know my excuse, what's yours?

If you can't go, help someone else who can.   If we can raise $1,500 by 
Tuesday September 7th, Pantera can once again be represented at the 
Silver State Classic Challenge.  If we don't raise that amount by 
then.... everybody gets a -REFUND-. and Pantera misses a Silver State 
Classic Challenge for the first time in recorded history, not to mention 
the beginning of the END OF THE WORLD!

It takes as little as 50 people giving $30 each.

Click here and give till it hurts, remember, this is no risk.  If $1,500 
isn't raised by Sept. 7, you get a full refund and we'll pick up the 
Paypal transaction fees.  Anything -over- $1,500 goes to The ISAAC 
Foundation to fund grants for Autism therapies.  So you -know- your 
money is going to a good cause.  Don't let the team down, if you can't 
go, send another Pantera in your place.


Asa Jay

Asa Jay Laughton, MSgt, USAFR, Retired
&  Shelley Marie
Spokane, WA


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