[DeTomaso] stainless steel GTS mufflers.

Ken Green kenn_green at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 3 01:26:29 EDT 2008

      This guy is a client:  http://www.powertone.com/
  He claims it's a great muffler.  If you give me dimensions, I can get a price from him.

"P. Rimov" <rimov at charter.net> wrote:

Any one have a pulse on what's available muffler wise? I was talking with a guy up in BC today that does only custom mufflers in stainless. He and a friend started up Solo Performance http://www.solo-performance.com/solstice_kit.html but like many partnerships decided it was better to be friends than business partners. Any way to make a long story short he has been very successful with a few niche exhaust pieces and was very interested in making up some prototype replica GTS cans with tips if I could provide him some specs, pictures, a set to copy as well as some feed back on need or want of stainless replacement mufflers. Thing is he does not do header fabrication just the exhaust pipe, mufflers and tips. He was pretty confident he could make them spot on original at a pretty reasonable price. I am going to send him some pics and specifications of the cans and see where it leads but if any one is interested let me know. 



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