[DeTomaso] Shipping to UK

Phil Lockett montecarlo296 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 26 08:51:50 EDT 2007

  I used Olimpex out of New Jersey  - they were fantastic, cheap, and I hardly lifted a finger. Bear in mind my car was in bits so was container freighted, and wasn't classed as a vehicle for tax purposes.
  I've heard many horror stories about Ro-Ro and bits getting stolen, cars being pushed off boats with stacker trucks etc.
  Bear in mind 17.5% VAT tax plus import tax and destuffing this end - mucho money!
  If you can, go for a pre '75 car. It won't need a test called an "SVA" at that age, or an emmissions check - or seatbelts!. RHD headlights are real easy to get over here, and you can put orange bulbs in the reverse lights and re-wire for rear flashers.
  Book EVERYTHING Stateside, even the customs clearance and paperwork in the UK. It's a hell of a load cheaper than to order things here.
  Any more info needed, just ask.

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