[DeTomaso] Dipstick length

eldon hower e_hower at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 22 12:12:47 EDT 2007

If my memory serves me correctly, Ford had 351C
dipsticks marked two ways for Mustang/Torino from the
factory. They were for 5 qt standard or 6 qt for (I
think the Boss), both used the same oil pan and sump.

Thus, if the Pantera was shipped as a 5 qt fill (as 
the technical information states) with oil/filter
change, it would appear that an extra qt above full
would be ok.  Or, was Ford causing a problem with
their 6 qt system?

Is the stock oil pan for the Pantera the same as the
Mustang/Torino with the front sump and baffle? My 70
Torino 351C 4V has a baffle that the sump sticks
through. This baffle was not in all styles nor years.

My #3400 P car has an aftermarket pan of unknown
brand. I just measured the yellow handled dipstick and
found a length from bottom (open end) of stop cup to
tip of 37 7/8" long. It has some "S" type bends just
below the cup, sooo I straightened some of this up in
order to obtain the 38" desired length. Then I
measured from bottom of cup to FULL mark (top of safe
area)and got 36 3/8".

To get a production Ford reference, I went to a couple
of my Torino Clevelands and took some measurements. 

>From the bottom of cup to the full mark is 19 3/8" and
the tube protrudes 8 3/16" above the block. This would
leave 11 3/16" plus length of cup from block surface
to the full mark. So plugging that into P car stick
you get 36 3/8" minus the Torino 19 3/8" equals 17".
Then adding the 8 3/16" to the 17" you have 25 3/16"
for the P car tube length. 

Do any of you know if this length checks out close to
any of the known tube lengths for the P cars?

I have a bad ankle at present, so I didn't try to
actually measure my P car tube length. But I hope this
is of some use for reference.

Bud #3400

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