[DeTomaso] CR, Detonation, and water injection

JDeRyke at aol.com JDeRyke at aol.com
Wed Oct 3 15:54:33 EDT 2007

In a message dated 10/3/07 11:55:37 AM, jab at cisco.com writes:

> What kind of systems? :)  Got any info?
My well used system was made by George Spears of Spearco, meant for turbos. 
Before the Pantera, I had a throughly hot-rodded Corvair- air cooled. Its 10:1 
cylinder heads got hot enough to cause aluminum to turn to mush. The Spearco 
had 3 problems: first, the control unit had an in-line jet made of aluminum. CA 
water corroded the aluminum jet closed in 2 months. I made a brass jet but 
drilling the required .020" dia hole was no walk in the park. And adding 
isopropyl alcohol as anti-freeze in the winter was always a chore, as was remembering 
to fill the water tank every other gas fill-up. Second, after 2 years, the 
pump integral to the 2-gallon poly water tank literally fell apart; the assembly 
cost (at that time) $55. And finally, the 'brain' momerntarily failed during 
a wine run- the tank emptied in two blocks even though we were running at low 
speed. Guys behind me said they needed windshield wipers on to clear the vapor 
coming out of my exhaust! Never did figure that one out and it only happened 
once, but I was afraid of hydraulicking the engine, so it went on the shelf. 
FWIW- J DeRyke

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