Hi Ed, If you do not have repair work to do on your bumper as Bill Taylor did in his excellent article, this is a method I have used with success on several occasions (which also uses SEM 39103 and SEM 77713 paint stripper). In your case you will need to strip off the cracking paint that is already on your bumper. You will want to remove the bumper before you attempt either stripping or sanding ...... so as not to damage the adjacent paint. (1) Use SEM 77713 to strip off the old paint, then clean the part well with soap and water. (2) When dry, sand the bumper with 320 grit sandpaper to give the next coat something to "bite into". (3) Wipe down (twice) with Prep Sol (get from your local automotive paint store) a pint will be plenty to do the job. (4) Carefully apply a "mist" coat of Bulldog Adhesion Promoter, followed in 5 minutes by another "light" coat. (5) Wait 10 minutes after applying the Bulldog Adhesion Promoter and then apply the SEM 39103 in several light coats. SEM products are also excellent for refreshing the color on interior plastic and vinyl parts. Good luck with your project . --Ed -----Original Message----- From: edracers@aol.com [mailto:edracers@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:00 AM To: detomaso@server.detomasolist.com Subject: Re: [DeTomaso] L bumper issue Aloha My body guy spray painted the black L model front rubber bumper. Now the paint is bumpy, with cracks, and looks bad. My thought is to sand off the paint. But I do not know how to get the luster back to the black bumper. Any suggestions about this problem. Ed Kemper Honolulu