All, Earlier today the new Profiles Editor, Laurie Basile, posted a rather lengthy email. For someone who just last week talked about being “positive”, “congenial” and “professional”, I found today’s post to exhibit very little of those qualities. But what struck me the strongest was the following written by Laurie: "You may recall how the DeRykes published in a Newsletter that Mike Drew did not intend to run again as Editor of Profiles.” Hmmmm? Is that true? Seems easy enough to research as I happen to have the pertinent 2014 newsletters right here on my desk. Let’s see if I can find where/when such a statement was placed in a newsletter, okay? First mention of the election was in the August, 2014 newsletter on page #12. Boilerplate text from the Bylaws which outlined the term and duties of the officers up for election, followed by a solicitation for candidates. Nothing more. Next mention of the election was in the September, 2014 newsletter on page #9. That page included the candidate statements from VP candidate Mike Burnett and Treasurer candidate Bob Reid. Providing a candidate's statement is required under the Bylaws, but no other statements were submitted nor had any other members been nominated for any of the four open positions. The only mention of the Annual Editor position in September's newsletter was: Annual Editor - Incumbent - Mike Drew, Pantera Club of Northern California (PCNC) No candidates yet (and no Candidate Statements, either - a Bylaws requirement.) Next newsletter election mention was just the ballot included in the November issue. At the time the ballot was sent to the printers, no one had submitted a candidate statement for the Annual Editor position. So the ballot included this - ANNUAL EDITOR Incumbent chose not to run again No new candidate Write-in candidate ——————— Associate Vote ——————— I have personally spoken with my friend Mike Drew and he acknowledges he failed to submit the required statement. Thus Mike, in essence, "chose not to run again" by failing to submit his candidate's statement. "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” - ‘Freewill’ by Rush, 1980 I do not know who composed the election ballot (Election committee or the newsletter Editor), but in either case there was not any mis-conduct by the DeRykes, just a ballot that contained a truthful statement; and it was due to a regrettable omission by Mike Drew. Laurie’s statement seemed to imply the DeRykes had purposely lied about Mike Drew’s actions. As outlined above, that is simply not true. If you are a POCA member, you can confirm all this by viewing the cited newsletters which are available for viewing on the new website. Larry All, Earlier today the new Profiles Editor, Laurie Basile, posted a rather lengthy email. For someone who just last week talked about being "positive", "congenial" and "professional", I found today's post to exhibit very little of those qualities. But what struck me the strongest was the following written by Laurie: "You may recall how the DeRykes published in a Newsletter that Mike Drew did not intend to run again as Editor of Profiles." Hmmmm? Is that true? Seems easy enough to research as I happen to have the perti nent 2014 newsletters right here on my desk. Let's see if I can find where/when such a statement was placed in a newsletter, okay? First mention of the election was in the August, 2014 newsletter on page #12. Bo ilerplate text from the Bylaws which outlined the term and duties of the officer s up for election, followed by a solicitation for candidates. Nothing more. Next mention of the election was in the September, 2014 newsletter on page #9. T hat page included the candidate statements from VP candidate Mike Burnett and Tr easurer candidate Bob Reid. Providing a candidate's statement is required under the Bylaws, but no other statements were submitted nor had any other members bee n nominated for any of the four open positions. The only mention of the Annual E ditor position in September's newsletter was: Annual Editor - Incumbent - Mike Drew, Pantera Club of Northern California (PCNC) No candidates yet (and no Candidate Statements, either - a Bylaws requir ement.) Next newsletter election mention was just the ballot included in the November is sue. At the time the ballot was sent to the printers, no one had submitted a can didate statement for the Annual Editor position. So the ballot included this - ANNUAL EDITOR Incumbent chose not to run again No new candidate Write-in candidate -------------- Associate Vote -------------- I have personally spoken with my friend Mike Drew and he acknowledges he failed to submit the required statement. Thus Mike, in essence, "chose not to run again" by failing to submit his candida te's statement. "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choi ce." - `Freewill' by Rush, 1980 I do not know who composed the election ballot (Election committee or the newsle tter Editor), but in either case there was not any mis-conduct by the DeRykes, j ust a ballot that contained a truthful statement; and it was due to a regrettabl e omission by Mike Drew. Laurie's statement seemed to imply the DeRykes had purposely lied about Mike Dre w's actions. As outlined above, that is simply not true. If you are a POCA member, you can confirm all this by viewing the cited newsletters which are available for viewing on the new website. Larry